Hellesdon New Wards

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Help us shape future care

We are asking service users and carers with recent experience of our inpatient wards to help us design new wards. This will further improve quality and safety at Hellesdon Hospital in Norwich.

The Government has awarded us £38m to develop new mental health facilities. We propose to use the money to build a state-of-the-art unit to which four of our existing wards will move. We will also build a fifth, new 16-bed ward. This will reduce the number of patients travelling outside of the area for treatment.

Getting involved

We are looking for carers and service users to join the Hellesdon New Wards Design Reference Group.

Co-production with people who have experience of our inpatient services is key. This will ensure that we design our new build to meet the needs of service users.

Carers and service users will work with our staff and the project team. This will ensure that your views help the design and delivery of the Hellesdon New Wards project. 

Hellesdon New Wards - Design Reference Group.pdf [pdf] 186KB


Who we need

You will be working with a diverse team of people from a range of services. You will have:

  • good communication and listening skills
  • a passion for co-production
  • be happy to engage with people from a variety of backgrounds

You should also feel comfortable representing the views of others and presenting your views within a group.  

Experience of our inpatient units within the last five years as a service user or carer is essential. This can be in Norfolk or Suffolk.

You must listen actively and positively to people with experience of our services. You must be empathetic, compassionate and supportive. You must behave in line with the Trust values: Respectfully, Positively and Together.

What you can expect

We expect the Design Reference Group will meet on Microsoft Teams on a regular basis. If IT access is an issue for you, we are happy to discuss ways of overcoming that barrier.

This is a voluntary role. We will pay expenses for attendance at meetings.

We can offer you training to support you in your role. This will include Co-production training and NSFT Recovery College courses. These include ‘Telling Your Story’ and ‘Introduction to Recovery’.

How to get involved

If you would like to help shape this exciting project, please tell us what co-production means to you. Also, tell us what skills and experience you can bring to the Design Reference Group. This should be no longer than 300 words.

We would like to have four service users and four carers who could buddy-up and support each other in this role.

For information and to take part, please email: hellesdonnewwards@nsft.nhs.uk.

Or you can call: 01603 421563 and leave a message with a daytime telephone number.

If this isn’t for you, there will be other ways you can get involved, using your experience of our inpatient units. Workshops, surveys and 1:1 sessions will continue until the new unit opens in 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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