Work with us

Great care comes from great teams. We don’t want you to just come and work for us, we want you to grow and to have a long and fulfilling career with us where you can achieve your potential.

 “I am proud to work with some absolutely fantastic patients, as well as many dedicated, caring and compassionate nursing colleagues.” 

From joining us as a newly-qualified nurse, your career pathway could take many forms. We have specialist nurses, nurse consultant and nurse prescribers as well as matrons and practice education facilitators. We employ mental health nurses and also registered nurses who have physical health skills and an interest and passion for mental health nursing.

Staff outside in the sun with a selfie board

Our nursing teams are complemented by a wide variety of roles such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and psychologists. Everyone plays a vital role and is a valued member of staff.

Clinical support workers and peer support workers are employed alongside our teams and offer care and support to our service users.

We support junior doctors into psychiatry and offer excellent opportunities, such as the CESR programme, for specialty doctors and consultants.

We also employ people into a wide number of roles to support our clinical-based staff including roles in maintenance, IT, finance, HR and administration.

Working together as one team and one service, we provide the best care possible.

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