Pharmacy and medication

Our pharmacy department provides clinical pharmacy services across your Trust. We provide outpatients and inpatients across all of our sites with an efficient delivery of their medication. We help to make the best use of medicines and support those people who need them to get the right drug, dose and duration.

The pharmacy service supports staff, patients and carers to use medicines safely and effectively, optimising the use of medicines by providing a high quality and friendly service.

We do this by providing:
  • Accurate information and education about medicines to healthcare professionals, service users and carers
  • Clinical and dispensing activities to help the management of medicines by service users
  • Support to ensure effective use of medicines management resources

If you have a question about medication, speak to your care co-ordinator and they will put you in touch with a pharmacist. If you can't get hold of your care co-ordinator, you can email: 

NSFT medicines formulary

The formulary is a list of medicines used across the Trust.

The formulary is currently under review, please contact your ward pharmacist for advice. 


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