Information and Resources for Young People Struggling to attend School
Many children and young people can struggle to attend school at times but when there are continued big emotions, such as anxiety, around going and being in school, then it can be helpful to seek additional support to understand the issues and how to resolve them.
There are things that young people, parents/carers and schools can do to understand and support these issues.
Here are some resources for young people and their families on understanding and supporting young people who may struggle to attend school due to emotional reasons:
- Watch our pre-recorded parent carer workshop on supporting your child to attend or get back to school as a useful introduction to understanding how to help:
- Download a useful guide for children and young people if they are struggling with getting into school. This guide includes links to self-help support, websites and videos and includes some self-help worksheets to complete. Visit: CAMHS-going-back-to-school.pdf (
- Visit the SENDIASS in Suffolk website at School anxiety - Suffolk SENDIASS which offers confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to young people struggling with school.
- Visit the Suffolk County Council resources page for more detailed guidance and some nice resources for young people, families and schools around emotionally based school avoidance. Visit: EBSA Emotionally Based School Avoidance - Suffolk County Council
- Visit the YoungMinds website which is a mental health charity for children and young people in the UK. Visit: School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds for information on school refusal and anxiety
- Call the YoungMinds parent helpline on 0808 802 5544 (9am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday)
- Download the Clear Fear app (free) to help children and young people manage symptoms of anxiety using a guided cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach.
- Download the Combined Minds app (free) to help families and friends support young people with their mental health using a ‘strengths-based’ recovery approach. Provides mental health advice for young people and the people supporting them, including a shared safety planning feature
- Self-help booklet for children and young people : Making sense of not going to school: 2021-08-12-EBSA-brochure-for-young-people-v.1 (
- Access the Minded interactive online session to explore reasons your child may not want to attend school and offers guidance