Patient Safety

NSFT has become one of the first trust’s in England to introduce a new Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP)

You can download a copy of our  Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 23-24 [pdf] 274KB

You can download a copy of our  Safety Strategy 2021 - 2026 [pdf] 676KB.

Along with five other trusts in the area, we are early adopters of a national framework. It sets out how we will learn from patient safety incidents to keep improving the quality and safety of the care we provide. Its aims were coproduced nationally with people who use services, their families and staff.

The framework is made up of two elements – national guidance which sets priorities which must be investigated in depth, and a local plan, which has been developed by our Trust and details additional incidents for investigation.

Our plan details how we should respond to incidents and how and when investigations should be carried out.

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