
Join us on our interview panels

People who use our services and their carers and families have the chance to sign up for training to be involved in recruiting new staff.

The values-based recruitment training is being held to give service users and their families the skills to be involved in interviews and shape the future of NSFT.

We are committed to involving people who use mental health services and their carers or families through the People Participation. 

Sessions are capped at eight people so spaces are limited, and they will be booked on a first come-first served basis.

The training will be via Microsoft Teams and anyone who has difficulties accessing this or needs further support can email

New training dates can be found below: 

  • Monday, 8 July, 10:00 — 13:00
  • Wednesday, 7 August, 13:00 — 16:00
  • Thursday, 5 September, 10:00 — 13:00
  • Monday, 7 October, 13:00 — 16:00
  • Tuesday, 5 November, 10:00 — 13:00
  • Wednesday, 4 Deccember, 13:00 — 16:00  

To sign up go to

Inpatient Working Together Group

This Working Together Group, which is focused on inpatient care, is a safe space to have your say, share your experiences and ideas and work together to create positive change across NSFT. 

The group is open to: 

  • Service users
  • Carers
  • Family of people who have stayed in inpatient settings
  • Staff


The group meets on the third Thursday of the month


Charing Cross Centre, 19 St John Maddermarket, Norwich NR2 1DN

Contact us

To find out more you can email: 

An invitation to young people, parents and carers affected by ARFID

We are delighted to share details of an upcoming development workshop for our new Suffolk Children, Family and Young Person (CFYP) Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) service.

Workshop agenda: 

  • Share our vision for the ARFID service
  • Review and build on the valuable feedback from parents, carers and co-production forums
  • Sharing an initial service model
  • How we’re going to evaluate the new service and check it is meeting the needs of CFYP people affected by ARFID

When to join us:

8 July 2024 
10:30 - 12:30 
Online via Microsoft Teams

How to join us: 

Please email: stating ‘ARFID Workshop Invite’ in the title.

If there are particular concerns, questions or ideas you have not previously shared and/or would like us to address in the workshop, please let us know by including these with your email response.


Coffee Crawl

Join us on a Wednesday morning at 10.30am-noon for a cuppa and a chat.

Just turn up and meet like-minded people in a relaxed, informal chat setting, meeting at a different Ipswich coffee shop each week.

Regular schedule of events:

July 2024

  • 3 - Applaud Coffee, 19 St Peter’s Street, Ipswich IP1 1XF
  • 10 - The Hold, 131 Fore Street, Ipswich IP4 1LN
  • 17 - Bon Bon, 19 Buttermarket, Ipswich IP1 1BQ
  • 24 - Geek Retreat, 41a Upper Brook Street, Ipswich IP4 1DU
  • 31 - The Mix, James Hehir Building, University Avenue IP3 0FS

August 2024 

  • 7 - Fresh Start & Coffee, 29-31 Carr Street, Ipswich IP4 2AD  
  • 14 - Isaacs on the Quay, 7 Wherry Quay, Ipswich IP4 1AS
  • 21 - Christchurch Mansion Tea Room, Christchurch Park, Ipswich IP4 2EE – Summer group picnic – weather permitting. (Optional).
  • 28 - Honey & Harvey, 4-6 Queen Street, Ipswich IP1 1SS

For more information please contact Debbie Atkinson - People Participation Co-ordinator 

Help to find mother and baby for observation

My name is Jane and I am a Parent infant therapist based in an NHS Community Perinatal team in Norwich.

I am studying for the Postgraduate Diploma in Infant-Parent Psychotherapy.

As part of the training, I need to find a mother and baby to observe.

Please could you help me to find a mother who is in the later stages of pregnancy, who may be interested in taking part in this.

What an observation involves:

I am required to observe a baby awake or asleep, playing, feeding, eating, or interacting with mothers or other family members.

The observation takes place once a week for one hour until the baby’s second birthday.

It’s an opportunity to learn first-hand about the physical and social development of a baby, which forms the foundation of the training to be a parent-infant psychotherapist.

Please let me know if you or someone you know would be interested in this. I am happy to talk to people who may be unsure but would like a bit more information before making a commitment.

Contact Jane


Telephone: 07879 657685

Website Working Together Group

Are you under the age of 25?

Are you a parent/carer of a young person under the age of 25?

Do you like designing things?

We are developing a new website to improve mental health services for Children, Families and Young People and we want to hear what is important to you. 

Our Website Working Together Group meets the third Monday of the month 6-7pm via Microsoft Teams.

Upcoming dates:

To join the next meeting please click on the date you want to join.

For more information:  Contact Andrea Bland, People Participation Co-ordinator

If you can’t make the date or have no internet access, please get in contact and we can make other arrangements.

Online socials for carers

The sessions are hosted by Carer Leads within NSFT and open to anyone. There is no agenda, it is an opportunity for people to touch base with the members of the Carer Lead Team to share experiences about caring and NSFT. People do not need to attend every session or stay for whole sessions. An alternative or additional way of contacting the Carer Lead Team, especially if people wish to share confidential information, is our dedicated carer email service

The 2024 virtual dates are below.

For more further information on any of the groups, please

Norwich and North Norfolk Carer Group

People often support others without considering how significant this is. We want to work with carers so service users receive the best possible care.

Join us

Join our safe space for carers to talk and find support, every Thursday at 19:00, online, via Microsoft Teams.

Click here to join the meeting.

Contact us

For more information contact Howard: 

  • Phone: 07557290169
  • Email:

EOI - Eating Disorder Service Young Person and Carer forum

If you are under the age of 25 with a lived experience of an Eating Disorder, or care for someone under the age of 25 who does, we would like to invite you to join our Young Person and Carer Forum with our Norfolk and Waveney Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Services.

The forum will bring together staff and those with lived experience to help improve and develop the service.

We value your views and ideas, and are looking for people who are interested in supporting us with suggestions and feedback to enhance our new and existing services.

The forum will work together to consider areas such as:

  • Development and Feedback on projects
  • Co-producing training materials
  • Reviewing and producing service literature

Other ways for people to get involved in participation are:

  • Speaking with our service manager and lead clinicians
  • Speaking with our People Participation Lead
  • Supporting us with staff interviews - Values Based Recruitment (VBR) training is offered to support this process
  • Carer feedback events
  • Co-facilitating groups e.g. carer support groups.

To find out more about participation, you can visit the teams webpage: 

If you decide to get involved and are currently receiving support from our service, this will not affect the care you or your loved one is receiving.

If you are interested in getting involved, please complete this form.

Alternatively, you can contact us on 01603 421127 and ask for a call back regarding participation or you can email the team at 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Join our Evidence Assurance Group (EAG)

The project aims to ensure we have those who have experience of our services 
working alongside us to monitor our improvements.

This Evidence Assurance Group has been set up to ensure our services are making the improvements needed and that those improvements are sustainable. We value the involvement of those who access our service and their supporters, and is important that together we work together to get things right. We know that the unique perspective of service users and their supporters will drive the improvement in quality that will be beneficial for all.

The EAG will be a supportive, multi-stakeholder, group which will check, challenge and discuss progress with services.

Each EAG session will be focused on a specific service. The expectation will be that each service will present a summary of the improvement undertaken, supported by evidence that demonstrates the progress made.

Services will also be expected to be able to explain how there is a focus on outcomes, as well as service user and staff experience. 

Services will be able to report progress and challenges. The group can then support in terms of testing this progress and completeness/sustainability of the proposed actions and mitigations to any improvement work. 

To ensure we have diverse representation within the Evidence Assurance Group we will ask interested individuals to attend a maximum of six meetings in total.

Names and contact details of those supporting the project: 

  • Robyn Ward - Senior People Participation lead 
  • Jodie Butcher - Senior People Participation Lead

The group will meet fortnightly.


You can claim £10 an hour attending meetings. Meetings will mostly be held online but travel expenses and refreshments costs will be covered if they are held face to face. Please remember to check how payment may affect your tax or benefits. You can choose not to claim the involvement payment and take part voluntarily.

How to express your interest in the role

We are seeking individuals who from a variety of backgrounds (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, geographical location) and a range of lived experiences to join the project. We are inviting people with lived experience of accessing or supporting someone to access, Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust, within the last five years to collaborate with us. 

When you are completing the expression of interest form it would be helpful if you could briefly tell us what attracts you to the role.

Your answer could also include any skills you have gained professionally, through voluntary work, and through experience of mental health challenges (your lived experience, or in those you care for).

Please let us know if you have any questions, would like support completing the form or would prefer to send us a video or audio response to the questions on the form.

You can complete the form here.

We will look at the expression of interest forms to ensure that people with a range of experiences are recruited to join the Project. Individuals who may be suitable for the role will be contacted for an informal (online) conversation soon afterwards. 

If you would like further information or have any queries, please email:

Join our Learning Disability and Autism Being Together group

The Being Together Group is for adults, with a Learning Disability and/or Autism, carers or others who are interested in our services in Suffolk.

The group meet on Zoom, on the fourth Friday of each month, 11-12.

Join the group on Zoom to find out about how you can get involved in improving our services, talk to others and share your ideas.

Email for the Zoom link.

Help share the group with this poster: Being Together group promotional poster [pdf] 392KB

Co-production of DIALOG+ and Care Plans focus group

This is a focus group about Care Plans and the DIALOG+. It is open to both service users and carers to join. 

DIALOG+ starts with a simple questionnaire  which asks about aspects of your life that are  known to have an impact on your mental  wellbeing and recovery. You will notice that DIALOG+ is used to shape the conversations you have with your worker as you work towards achieving your goals.

If you agree - the information you give us at the focus group might be used to develop the training staff receive. It will help staff , to understand  what is important to Service Users and Carers when planning treatment and care.

There are several opportunities  to get involved in co-development and co-production projects - You can give as much time to projects as you want to, and you only need to attend the monthly meeting as much as you can.
What might be the benefits to you for giving your time?  –Sense of purpose, build confidence, learn new skills, gain valuable experience (future career), sense of achievement, respect, improvement in wellbeing. 

This is a voluntary opportunity  however we value you and your time given,  if you attend the training in person and support with the co-delivery of the course (to share your lived experience of care plans and Dialog+), you will be paid for time and travel.

The meetings are on Zoom on the second Friday of each month 1:30 - 3pm. Liz Doolan will facilitate the meetings. Please contact - if you have any enquiries about the focus group
If you want to join the focus group, please complete the form below. 

Note:  by completing this form you give permission for us to hold your contact details for as long as you remain a member of this focus group.

Sign-up here

Get involved in our Hellesdon Rivers Centre project

We are asking service users and carers with recent experience of our inpatient wards to help us design new wards. This will further improve quality and safety at Hellesdon Hospital in Norwich. Hellesdon Rivers Centre

Find out more about this opportunity.

Veteran's wellbeing support group

Our Veteran's wellbeing support group is designed to stop social isolation and give veterans a sense of belonging, similar to the close bond they had whilst serving. 

These events will be taking place in a non-clinical environment but Veteran's are welcome to discuss any mental health concerns they may have.

Please see below for locations, times and the days of our wellbeing support group:

  • Norwich: Monday 11:00 - 13:00, The Matthew Project 70 – 80- Oaks Street Norwich NR3 3AQ, Tel: 07584316272
  • Sudbury: Monday 11:00 - 13:00, Sudbury/Toast Café (Winter) or Long Melford Country Park (Summer), Tel: 07584316272
  • Bury St Edmunds: Tuesday 11:00 - 13:00, Combat 2 Coffee , Con Club, Guildhall Street, IP33 1PR, Tel: 07584316272
  • Ipswich: Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00, Combat 2 Coffee , Whitton Clinic, Meredith Road, IP1 6ED, Tel: 07584316272
  • Thetford: Monday 11:00 - 13:00, Steam, Tanner Court, Tanner Street, IP24 2BQ, Tel: 07584316272

You can watch a video, featuring some of our service users, who have used the service and their thoughts on it below.

Listen to their podcast episodes on spotify below: 

Join Particip8! A group looking to improve services for young people

Would you like to be involved in improving our mental health services for yourself and others? Your voice deserves to be heard!

Particip8! are a group of people with a personal interest in mental health for young people and a passion for improving mental health services.

Whether you’d prefer to be part of a group, have one-to-one sessions, or share your ideas and experience by email, Whatsapp or phone, we would love for you to join us.

You can be involved as little or as much as you would like and with the things that are important to you.

  • Using lived experience, we have led on projects such as:
  • The language of letters and ensuring these are young person and carer friendly
  • Interviewing staff
  • Sharing our experience of crisis services
  • Art projects
  • Development of educational courses and many more.

To find out more, email You can also text or call 07342 066589 or use Whatsapp.

Particip8! podcasts

Our Particip8! group have made a range of podcasts for the Mental Health and You Podcast. Below are some links directly to episodes available on Spotify and other platforms: 

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