
Acknowledgment in:

‘Prevalence and clinical characteristics of serum neuronal cell surface antibodies in first-episode psychosis: a case-control study’

Belinda Lennox et al 2016

Waiting time variation in Early Intervention Psychosis services: longitudinal evidence from the SEPEA naturalistic cohort study - James B. Kirkbride1,2 · Y. Hameed3 · L. Wright3 · K. Russell3 · C. Knight4 ·J. Perez2,4 · P. B. Jones2,4

Carer Managerment Style Contributes to Everyday Task Participation in Dementia, Giebel C; Camino J; Flanagan E; Talbot E; Russell K; Mioshi EJuly 2017 Alzheimer's and Dementia 13(7):P828-P829 DOI:  10.1016/j.jalz.2017.06.1149

Kayte Rowe: Community Engagement Officer, RTN Lead

Kayte Rowe, Community Engagement Officer, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust I am excited to lead on this project focusing on engaging non-NHS organisations and members of the community, who access these services, to help shape future Mental Health Research.

Supporting the mental health and well-being of our community should be a shared and partnered approach and one great way to engage the public, develop interest in and improve access to mental health research is by building strong partnerships and create shared ownership with organisations across the region. By bringing together the broad range of expertise, knowledge, experience and voice of these organisations and the people who use them we can create meaningful research that can have positive impact on the community.

I will bring vision, energy, determination, and creativity, whilst working towards a true collaborative approach. My passion, belief and vision, will be a key part of approaching challenges positively as we move towards this new way of working.

Outside of work I enjoy a busy social life which includes playing tennis, exercise, and sharing a glass of wine with friends. I like to seek out new opportunities, exploring mountains and just letting the path take me somewhere new. I also love music, reading and dogs, mine and everyone else’s.


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