Our stories

From war to ward manager, a refugee’s journey into mental health nursing and an invitation to join us for a special International Nurses’ Day event

John Kasensa, Ward Manager at Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation (NSFT), came to Britain as a young refugee, having lost his family in the war that ravaged the Democratic Republic of the Congo over 20 years ago.  

Read From war to ward manager, a refugee’s journey into mental health nursing and an invitation to join us for a special International Nurses’ Day event…

Improving Together: Strengthening our leadership to drive improvement and transformation - CEO Caroline Donovan's blog - 29 April 2024

This week in my blog, I’d like to focus on a number of important initiatives, developments and announcements we have made over the last couple of weeks, all which link to our strategic improvement and transformation programmes and our four priorities as a Trust: improving health, improving care, improving culture and improving value.


Read Improving Together: Strengthening our leadership to drive improvement and transformation - CEO Caroline Donovan's blog - 29 April 2024…
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