Carers' Assessments

Carers' Leads Pip Everett and Jill Curtis

Assessments are made by taking a person-centred approach, taking account of your individual circumstances and support needs.

You will usually be offered a face-to-face meeting at a time and place suited to you. The assessment can be completed over the phone if you prefer.

The assessment helps to identify the impact of the role on your life areas such as work, money, housing, relationships, time and health and wellbeing and to identify when you might need some extra help and support.

You will be able to discuss this confidentially and will be offered appropriate and useful information about local services and resources.

We will help you develop a support plan to address needs and future wishes.

You will be offered the opportunity to attend Recovery College courses, which can support you in your carer role.

You will need to bring your NHS number. See below for more information

Your NHS number and how to find it

There is a free NHS online service to receive a reminder of your NHS number. You can use the service for yourself or for someone else.

You can access the service at Find Your NHS Number

Your NHS number is a unique 10-digit number which helps healthcare staff identify you correctly and match your details to your health records. You should usually be able to find the number on any letter or document received from the NHS, including prescriptions, test results and hospital letter or appointment letters.

There is also an NHS app which has your NHS number and digital access to your surgery and record.

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